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Concerts on the Creek

Every Friday night, Memorial Day through Labor Day, bring a picnic blanket and chair to enjoy Concerts on the Creek at Sylva’s Bridge Park. In Jackson County, the Town of Sylva, Jackson County Parks and Recreation Department and Jackson County Chamber of Commerce team up to produce the Concerts on the Creek series at the Bridge Park gazebo in Sylva every Friday from 7-9 p.m., Memorial Day through Labor Day....

Groovin’ on the Green

Groovin’ On The Green has gleaned popularity as a Friday night destination in Cashiers.  The music is always good, the program varied.  Summertime, the green of the green, the blankets and chairs all around with happy people and their dogs.  The summer concert series for 2019 will be held Friday at 6:30 pm at the Village Commons.

Groovin’ on the Green

Groovin’ On The Green has gleaned popularity as a Friday night destination in Cashiers.  The music is always good, the program varied.  Summertime, the green of the green, the blankets and chairs all around with happy people and their dogs.  The summer concert series for 2019 will be held Friday at 6:30 pm at the Village Commons.

Cherokee ComiCon and Bigfoot University

Fans are encouraged to come decked out in a favorite Cherokee legend or cosplay character and compete for prizes; participate in panels about comics and Cherokee legends; and explore Bigfoot University to share the very latest news about the hairy legend.

Groovin’ on the Green

Groovin’ On The Green has gleaned popularity as a Friday night destination in Cashiers.  The music is always good, the program varied.  Summertime, the green of the green, the blankets and chairs all around with happy people and their dogs.  The summer concert series for 2019 will be held Friday at 6:30 pm at the Village Commons.

Highlands Village Square Art and Craft Show

The show features only local and regional artisans displaying their fine art, crafts, and rustic furniture. Festival hours are Saturday and Sunday 10a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is FREE.